It is my great pleasure to announce the recipients of two categories of 2018 Journal of Mechanical Design (JMD) reviewer awards.
It is my great pleasure to announce the recipients of two categories of 2018 Journal of Mechanical Design (JMD) reviewer awards.
The design of engineered materials and structures is a growing and increasingly impactful field of research that intersects materials science, engineering design, engineering mechanics, manufacturing, and data science.
With the arrival of cyber-physical systems or “internet of things” era, massive human- and machine-generated data will create unprecedented challenges and at the same time unmatched opportunities in advancing the theory, methods, tools, and practice of data-driven design for products, systems, and services
Now in its 40th year of existence, ASME’s Journal of Mechanical Design has covered a wide range of topics on behalf of the Design Engineering Division.
10/27/2016 November, 2016 | Volume 138 | Issue 11 Uncertainty quantification and propagation using probabilistic
To create a journal that addressed a breadth of topics like vibration, wear, impact, and fatigue in mechanical components – it may have seemed logical that this journal was born in the late 1970s under a rather generic moniker of “mechanical design”.
Mechanical engineers design a wide variety of structures, devices, products, and systems.
7/1/2015 Journal of Mechanical DesignJuly 1, 2015, Vol. 137, Issue 7Addressing user needs and preferences
11/1/2014 Authors: Ashok K. Goel, Daniel A. McAdams and Robert B. Stone J. Mech. Des. 136(11), 110301, Paper No: MD-14-1554; doi:
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