Call for Papers Data-Driven Design under Uncertainty
Recent technological advancements in hardware and software have transformed the design landscape of complex engineered
Recent technological advancements in hardware and software have transformed the design landscape of complex engineered
This special issue features selected papers from the 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences.
This special issue is a joint effort between the ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) and the Design Engineering Division (DED) as part of a collaboration to advance design and manufacturing research in sustainability.
The March 2023 ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Special Issue: Selected Papers from IDETC 2022 includes 18 manuscripts in the areas of Design Theory and Methodology, Design Automation, Design for Manufacture and the Life Cycle, and Design Education.
Together with the Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, the Journal of Mechanical Design welcomes submissions to the Joint Special Issue on Advances in Design and Manufacturing for Sustainability. This call focuses on the main challenges the design and manufacturing communities face regarding sustainability and seeks to identify emerging research trends as well as current industry practices for integrating sustainability principles into the design and implementation of engineered systems and processes.
The Special Issue: Design for Additive Manufacturing is now available on ASME’s Digital Collection (January 2023 issue).
The Journal of Mechanical Design invites submissions to the Special Issue on The Role of Design Artifacts in Design. Publication is planned for December 2023 and submissions are due April 30, 2023.
J. Mech. Des. September 2022, Volume 144, Issue 9 Guest Editors: Pingfeng Wang, Sayan Ghosh, Yongming Liu, Zissimos
J. Mech. Des. February 2022, Volume 144, Issue 2 Guest Editors: James Allison, Yaoyao Fiona Zhao,
Modern machine learning (ML) techniques are transforming many disciplines ranging from transportation to healthcare by uncovering patterns in data, developing autonomous systems that mimic human abilities, and supporting human decision-making.
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