Mixed-Variable Global Sensitivity Analysis for Knowledge Discovery and Efficient Combinatorial Materials Design
Yigitcan Comlek, Liwei Wang, Wei Chen J. Mech. Des. May 2024, 146(5): 051706 https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4064133 The flowchart
Yigitcan Comlek, Liwei Wang, Wei Chen J. Mech. Des. May 2024, 146(5): 051706 https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4064133 The flowchart
While advances have been made in studying engineering design learning in the classroom, to date, such advances have not addressed hands-on, real-world learning experiences in university makerspaces. This article explores how such spaces support women engineers as designers, learners, makers, and community members.
This featured article shows how interpersonal differences, such as culture or gender difference, between a user and a designer significantly affect designers’ empathic understanding in semiautonomous vehicle development.
When designers, engineers, product planners and others look for suitable modularization methods, they are overwhelmed by a large amount of differently documented information in the literature.
It is often desirable for engineered systems to sustain their functional effectiveness in the event of unforeseen disruptions. In analogy, biological systems are often physiologically adapted to survive both internal and environmental disruptions.
Wei ChenJ. Mech. Des 141(2), 020201; doi: 10.1115/1.4042049 I am pleased to announce the inaugural special issue (Parts I and II) of the selected papers from the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2018, Quebec City, QC, Canada, Aug. 26–29, 2018. This special issue has been organized for the purpose of expediting the process of converting high quality ASME sponsored conference papers into submissions to the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design ( […]
To create a journal that addressed a breadth of topics like vibration, wear, impact, and fatigue in mechanical components – it may have seemed logical that this journal was born in the late 1970s under a rather generic moniker of “mechanical design”.
11/30/2014 Author: George A. HazelriggJ. Mech. Des. 136(12), 120301 (Dec 01, 2014) (2 pages)doi: 10.1115/1.4028940The past two
8/1/2013 Author: David G. UllmanVolume: 135(8) – August, 2013 In the mid 1980s, I was one of
2/1/2012 Duality is a fascinating concept that appears in a wide range of domains from philosophy to
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