Journal of Mechanical Design

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Areas of interest:
healthcare engineering systems
modeling and validation
multidisciplinary design optimization
simulation-based engineering design
systems of systems
uncertainty quantification

Michael Kokkolaras

Advisory Board, Past Associate Editor

Dr. Kokkolaras is Professor, and the founding director of the Systems Optimization Laboratory, at McGill University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received his diploma in Aerospace Engineering from Technische Universität München and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University. He is currently serving as the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs at the Faculty of Engineering. Dr. Kokkolaras joined McGill from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (UM), where he held research faculty appointments at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (primary) and the UM Transportation Research Institute (joint/courtesy); he is a recipient of the UM College of Engineering Outstanding Research Scientist Award. Dr. Kokkolaras is an ASME Fellow and is currently serving as Publications Chair of the ASME Design Engineering Division and has previously served as Chair of the Design Automation Executive Committee of the ASME Design Engineering Division, Program and Conference Chair of the ASME Design Automation Conference, and Program Co-Chair of the International Conference on Engineering Design.