Journal of Mechanical Design

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Areas of interest:
degradation diagnostics and prognostics of lithium-ion batteries
design under uncertainty
prognostics and health management

Chao Hu

Associate Editor

Dr. Chao Hu is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut and the director of the Reliability Engineering and Informatics Laboratory (REIL) at UConn. He received his B.E. degree in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University (2007) and his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (Reliability Engineering) from the University of Maryland, College Park (2011). Dr. Hu’s research interests are engineering design under uncertainty, degradation diagnostics and prognostics of lithium-ion batteries, and prognostics and health management. He is a two-time recipient of the Highly Cited Research Paper Award (2012-2013 and 2020) in the Journal of Applied Energy, the recipient of the 2018 ASME Design Automation Young Investigator Award, and a recipient of the Best Paper Awards at the ASME Design Automation Conference (2013) and the IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (2012).