Journal of Mechanical Design

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Babak Heydari

Babak Heydari

Associate Editor

Babak Heydari is an associate professor at the department of mechanical and industrial engineering, and affiliate faculty at the School of Public Policy and the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University. His interdisciplinary research aims at establishing a bridge between engineering system design and computational social sciences where he uses network science to study the architecture of socio-technical and human-AI systems, resilience and its relationship with the emergence of collective behavior and social norms, platform-based sharing economy systems, and co-evolution of structure and behavior in complex systems. He received his Masters and Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley and has 3 years of Silicon Valley start-up experience. He has been the PI and Co-PI of several projects sponsored through NSF, DARPA, INCOSE, SERC and a number of private corporations. Professor Heydari is a recipient of the national science foundation CAREER award.