Journal of Mechanical Design

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2021 IDETC-CIE Journal Spotlights

During 2021 IDETC-CIE, journals will have the opportunity to highlight recently published work in journal spotlight sessions. We invite you to join JMD’s session on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 1:00-3:00PM (EDT). The following six papers will be presented, including some of the winners of the Editors’ Choice Paper award and papers recommended by the Editorial Board:

Hai-Jun Su (Ohio State University): She, Y., Song, S., Su, H., and Wang, J. (March 3, 2020). “A Comparative Study on the Effect of Mechanical Compliance for a Safe Physical Human–Robot Interaction.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. June 2020; 142(6): 063305.

Zhimin Xi (Rutgers University): Olleak, A., and Xi, Z. (February 14, 2020). “Calibration and Validation Framework for Selective Laser Melting Process Based on Multi-Fidelity Models and Limited Experiment Data.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. August 2020; 142(8): 081701.

Daniel A. McAdams (Texas A&M University): Zhang, G., Morris, E., Allaire, D., and McAdams, D. A. (February 14, 2020). “Research Opportunities and Challenges in Engineering System Evolution.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. August 2020; 142(8): 081401.

Nicholas Meisel (The Pennsylvania State University): Ostrander, J. K., Tucker, C. S., Simpson, T. W., and Meisel, N. A. (November 11, 2019). “Evaluating the Use of Virtual Reality to Teach Introductory Concepts of Additive Manufacturing.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. May 2020; 142(5): 051702.

Zoe Szajnfarber (The George Washington University): Sapol, S. J., and Szajnfarber, Z. (July 23, 2020). “Revisiting Flexibility in Design: An Analysis of the Impact of Implementation Uncertainty on the Value of Real Options.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. December 2020; 142(12): 121701.

Bradley Camburn (Oregon State University): Camburn, B., He, Y., Raviselvam, S., Luo, J., and Wood, K. (January 25, 2020). “Machine Learning-Based Design Concept Evaluation.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. March 2020; 142(3): 031113.