Journal of Mechanical Design

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2021 IDETC-CIE Journal Spotlights

Join us during JMD’s 2021 IDETC-CIE Journal Spotlights session on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 1:00-3:00PM (EDT).  Six JMD papers will be presented, including some of the winners of the 2020 Editors’ Choice Paper award and 2020 papers recommended by the Editorial Board.

JMD’s 2020 Editors’ Choice Paper Awards

We are pleased to announce that the two (2) winners for the Journal of Mechanical Design 2020 Editors’ Choice Paper Award are:  Category of Design Methods: Bradley Camburn, Yuejun He, Sujithra Raviselvam, Jianxi Luo, and Kristin Wood (January 25, 2020). “Machine Learning-Based Design Concept Evaluation.” ASME. J. Mech. Des. March 2020; 142(3): 031113., and Category […]