I am pleased to announce that the winner for the 2018 Editors’ Choice Paper Award is: Zefang Shen, Gary Allison, and Lei Cui, An Integrated Type and Dimensional Synthesis Method to Design One Degree-of-Freedom Planar Linkages With Only Revolute Joints for Exoskeletons, J. Mech. Des., 140(9):092302-092302-12. The selection of this paper was based on the recommendations of the Associate and Guest Editors and guided by the following criteria (i) fundamental value of the contribution, (ii) expectation of archival value (e.g., expected number of citations), (iii) practical relevance to mechanical design, and (iv) quality of presentation. Plaques were awarded to the authors during the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2019) in Anaheim, California. I would like to congratulate the award recipients and look forward to continuing to work with the entire ASME community of editors, authors, reviewers, and staff to bring JMD to the next level of excellence.
Wei Chen
Technical Editor