8/14/2019 Merel van Diepen and Kristina Shea
J. Mech. Des 141(10), 101402; doi: 10.1115/1.4043314
Soft locomotion robots are intrinsically compliant and have a large number of degrees of freedom. However, the hand-design of soft robots is often a lengthy trail-and-error process. This paper presents the computational design of virtual, soft locomotion robots using an approach that integrates simulation feedback. The Computational Design Synthesis (CDS) approach consists of three stages: (1) generation, (2) evaluation through simulation, and (3) optimization.
Designs are generated using a spatial grammar that explicitly guides the type of solutions generated and excludes infeasible designs. The soft material simulation method is stable and sufficiently fast for use in a highly iterative simulated annealing search process. The resulting virtual designs exhibit a large variety of expected and unexpected gaits, thus demonstrating the capabilities of the method. Finally, the optimization results and the spatial grammar are analyzed to understand and map the challenges of the problem and the search space.
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