7/26/2016 Dr. Clive L. Dym (1942 – 2016) Dr. Clive L. Dym, the world-renowned design educator and Harvey Mudd College engineering Professor Emeritus, passed away on May 3, 2016.![]() Dr. Dym received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from The Cooper Union in 1962, his M.S. degree in Applied Mechanics from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1964, and his Ph.D. degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering from Stanford University in 1967. His vast professional experience began at the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he served as an Assistant Professor for the program in Policy Sciences and also for Engineering and Applied Sciences until 1969. He then worked at the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) until 1970. After IDA, he served as an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU) until 1974. During 1974-1977, he worked as a Senior Scientist with Bolt Beranek at Newman, Inc. He then joined the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Massachusetts as Professor (1977-1991) and Head (1977-1985). In 1991, he moved his academic career to Harvey Mudd College as the inaugural holder of the Fletcher Jones Design Chair, Director of Center for Design Education, and Chair of Department of Engineering. Dr. Dym had many other appointments including Visiting Professorship in Civil Engineering at Stanford University, CMU, and Northwestern University. He received numerous peer recognitions and awards including elected Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Acoustical Society of America (ACS). He also received ASEE’s Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award, ASEE’s Fred Merryfield Design Award, ASME’s Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award, Boeing’s Outstanding Engineering Educator Award, and the National Academy of Engineering’s Gordon Prize for which his citation reads: “Creating and disseminating innovations in undergraduate engineering design education to develop engineering leaders.” Dr. Dym’s professional activities included serving as Founding Editor of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, and as an Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Engineering Education, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Noise Control Engineering Journal, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, and Shock and Vibration Digest. Due to his passion in engineering design education, Dr. Dym started a biennial program of workshops which is now named in his honor as the Clive L. Dym Mudd Design Workshops. Dr. Gordon Krauss, his colleague at Harvey Mudd, notes that: “his influence in design education has been far-reaching. His work made teaching design early in undergraduate engineering education move from impossible to necessary to the benefit of all involved. I believe that the push for design thinking in K-12 education is simply an extension of his pioneering work.” Dr. Dym’s own perspective on this is captured in an NSF interview with pioneers in the field here: http://depts.washington.edu/celtweb/pioneers-wp/?p=489 Clive Dym will be greatly missed by his friends and colleagues in many fields including the engineering design community around the world. His game-changing contributions to engineering design education will continue to have a lasting influence and provide enormous inspiration in the years to come. Dr. Clive Dym is survived by his family in the United States and Israel, including his wife, Joan Dym and daughters, Jordana and Miriam Dym. Following this memorial, a listing of some select publications including books and papers by Dr. Clive L. Dym is provided. Shapour Azarm Editor, Journal of Mechanical Design BOOKS 1. Clive L. Dym and Irving H. Shames, Solid Mechanics: A Variational Approach, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973. (Reprinted as International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd., 1975; Japanese translation published by Brain Book Company, Tokyo, 1977.) 2. Clive L. Dym, Introduction to the Theory of Shells, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1974. (Updated edition, Hemisphere Publishing, New York, 1990.) 3. Clive L. Dym, Stability Theory and Its Applications to Structural Mechanics, Noordhoff International Publishing Company, Leyden, The Netherlands, 1974. (Republished by Dover Publications, New York, 2002.) 4. Irving H. Shames and Clive L. Dym, Energy and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics, Hemisphere Publishing, New York, 1985. (SI Units Edition, Taylor & Francis, New York, 1991.) 5. Clive L. Dym and Raymond E. Levitt, Knowledge-Based Systems in Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1991. 6. Clive L. Dym, Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1994. 7. Clive L. Dym, Structural Modeling and Analysis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997. 8. Clive L. Dym and Patrick Little, Engineering Design: A Project-Based Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999 (1st Edition), 2004 (2nd Edition), 2009 (3rd Edition, with E. J. Orwin and R. E. Spjut). Spanish translation published by Limusa Wiley, Balderas, Mexico, 2002; Korean translation published by Info-Tech Corea, Seoul, South Korea, 2008; Portuguese translation published by Artmed Editora, S.A., Porto Alegre RS, Brazil, 2010. 9. Philip D. Cha, James J. Rosenberg, and Clive L. Dym, Fundamentals of Modeling and Analyzing Engineering Systems, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000. 10. Clive L. Dym, Principles of Mathematical Modeling, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2004. (First edition, 1980, co-authored by Elizabeth S. Ivey.) 11. Jennifer Stroud Rossman and Clive L. Dym, An Introduction to Engineering Mechanics: A Continuum Approach, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2008. 12. Clive L. Dym and Harry E. Williams, Analytical Estimates of Structural Behavior, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, in press, for 2012 publication. 13. Clive L. Dym and David C. Brown, Engineering Design: Representation and Reasoning, Cambridge University Press, New York, in press for 2012 publication. EDITED BOOKS, PROCEEDINGS and SPECIAL ISSUES 1. Arturs Kalnins and Clive L. Dym, Editors, Vibration: Beams, Plates and Shells, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1976. 2. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems to Engineering Analysis and Design, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, 1985. 3. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Computing Futures in Engineering Design, Proceedings of Mudd Design Workshop I, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 2–3 May 1997. See also the Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 12 (1), January 1998. 4. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Designing Design Education for the 21st Century, Proceedings of Mudd Design Workshop II, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 19–21 May 1999. See also the Special Issue, co-Guest Editor Sheri D. Sheppard: International Journal of Engineering Education, 17 (4, 5), 2001. 5. Clive L. Dym and Langdon Winner, Editors, Social Dimensions of Engineering Design, Proceedings of Mudd Design Workshop III, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 17–19 May 2001. See also the Special Issue: International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (1), 2003. 6. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Designing Engineering Education, Proceedings (CD) of Mudd Design Workshop IV, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 10–12 July 2003. See also the Special Issue: International Journal of Engineering Education, 20 (1), 2004. 7. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Learning and Engineering Design, Proceedings (CD) of Mudd Design Workshop V, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 19–21 May 2005. See also the Special Issue: International Journal of Engineering Education, 22 (3), 2006. 8. Philip E. Doepker and Clive L. Dym, Guest Editors, Design Engineering Education, Special Issue, Journal of Mechanical Design, 129 (7), July 2007. 9. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Design and Engineering Education in a Flat World, Proceedings (CD) of Mudd Design Workshop VI, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 23–25 May 2007. See also the Special Issue: International Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (2), 2008. 10. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Sustaining Sustainable Design, Preliminary Proceedings (CD) of Mudd Design Workshop VII, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 29–31 May 2009. See also the Special Issue: co-Guest-Editor Janis P. Terpenny: International Journal of Engineering Education, 26 (2), 2010. 11. Daniel D. Frey, William P. Birmingham and Clive L. Dym, Guest Editors, Design Pedagogy: Representations and Processes, Special Issue, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 24 (3), Summer 2010. 12. Clive L. Dym, Editor, Design Education: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Preliminary Proceedings (CD) of Mudd Design Workshop VIII, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, 26–28 May 2011. See also the Special Issue: International Journal of Engineering Education, 28 (2), 2012. REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. J. M. Klosner and C. L. Dym, “Axisymmetric Plane-Strain Dynamic Response of a Thick Orthotropic Shell,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 39 (1), 1-7, January 1966. 2. C. L. Dym and M. L. Rasmussen, “On a Perturbation Problem in Structural Dynamics,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 3 (3), 215-225, June 1968. 3. C. L. Dym and N. J. Hoff, “Perturbation Solutions for the Buckling Problems of Axially Compressed Thin Cylindrical Shells of Infinite or Finite Length,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 35 (4), 754-762, December 1968. 4. C. L. Dym, “Dynamics of Anisotropic Elastic Solids,” Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division ASCE, 94 (EM6), 1591-1595, December 1968. 5. C. L. Dym, “On the Dynamics of a Shell in a Testing Machine,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 4 (2), 17-22, March 1969. 6. C. L. Dym and H. Reismann, “On the Time-Dependent Heat Conduction and Thermoelastic Problems,” Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 27 (1), 121-124, April 1969. 7. C. L. Dym, “Vibrations of Pressurized Orthotropic Cylindrical Membranes,” AIAA Journal, 8 (4), 693-699, April 1970. 8. D. B. Taulbee, F. A. Cozzarelli and C. L. Dym, “Similarity Solutions to Some Nonlinear Impact Problems,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 6 (1), 27- 43, February 1971. 9. R. E. Schwartz and C. L. Dym, “An Integer Maximization Problem,” Operations Research, 19 (2), 548-550, March-April 1971. 10. C. L. Dym and R. D. Turner, “Some Remarks on Velocity-Aided Kalman Filtering,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-7 (3), 434-437, May 1971. 11. C. L. Dym, “Vibrations of Pressurized Orthotropic Shells,” AIAA Journal, 9 (6), 1201-1203, May 1971. 12. C. G. Culver, C. L. Dym and D. K. Brogan, “Bending Behavior of Cylindrical Web Panels,” Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, 98 (ST10), 2291-2308, October 1972. 13. C. G. Culver and C. L. Dym, “Elastic Buckling of Stiffened Plates,” Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, 98 (ST11), 2641-2645, November 1972. 14. C. L. Dym, “Buckling and Postbuckling Behavior of Steep Compressible Arches,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 9 (1), 129-140, January 1973. 15. C. G. Culver, C. L. Dym and T. Uddin, “Web Slenderness Requirements for Curved Girders,” Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, 99 (ST3), 417-430, March 1973. 16. C. L. Dym, “Bifurcation Analyses for Shallow Arches,” Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division ASCE, 99 (EM2), 287-301, April 1973. 17. N. Mariani, J. D. Mozer, C. L. Dym and C. G. Culver, “Transverse Stiffener Requirements for Curved Webs,” Journal of the Structural Division ASCE, 99 (ST4), 757- 771, April 1973. 18. C. L. Dym, “On the Buckling of Cylinders in Axial Compression,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 40 (2), 565-568, June 1973. 19. C. L. Dym, “Some New Results for the Vibrations of Circular Cylinders,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 29 (2), 189-205, 22 July 1973. 20. C. L. Dym, “On Rapidly Convergent Solutions to Acoustics Problems with Time-Dependent Boundary Conditions,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 30 (1), 130-134, 8 September 1973. 21. B. R. El-Zaouk and C. L. Dym, “Nonlinear Vibrations of Orthotropic Doubly-Curved Shallow Shells,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 31 (1), 89-113, 8 November 1973. 22. C. L. Dym, “On Some Recent Approaches to Structural Optimization,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 32 (1), 49-70, 8 January 1974. 23. C. L. Dym, “A More Direct Derivation of the Radiation Resistance of a Panel,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 32 (2), 279-282, 22 January 1974. 24. C. L. Dym, “On Approximations of the Buckling Stresses of Axially Compressed Cylinders,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 41 (1), 163-167, March 1974. 25. W. L. Cooley and C. L. Dym, “The Future of Private Engineering Education,” Engineering Issues ASCE, 100 (EI2), 97-103, April 1974. 26. C. L. Dym, “Effects of Prestress on the Acoustic Behavior of Panels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 55 (5), 1018-1021, May 1974. See also C. L. Dym, “Comments on ‘Effects of Prestress on the Acoustic Behavior of Panels,’” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 57 (6), 1543-1544, June 1975. 27. C. L. Dym and M. A. Lang, “Transmission of Sound Through Sandwich Panels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 56 (5), 1523-1532, November 1974. 28. M. A. Lang and C. L. Dym, “Optimal Acoustic Design of Sandwich Panels,” Journal of the Acousical Society of America, 57 (6), 1481-1487, June 1975. 29. C. L. Dym, C. S. Ventres and M. A. Lang, “Transmission of Sound Through Sandwich Panels: A Reconsideration,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 59 (2), 364-367, February 1976. 30. C. L. Dym, “Variational Methods of Analysis,” Shock and Vibration Digest, 8 (7), 27-31, July 1976. 31. E. E. Ungar, C. L. Dym and R. W. White, “Prediction and Control of Vibrations in Buildings,” Shock and Vibration Digest, 8 (9), 13-24, September 1976. 32. T. G. Gutowski and C. L. Dym, “Propagation of Ground Vibration: A Review,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 49 (2), 179-193, November 1976. 33. C. L. Dym, “Sources of Industrial Impact/Impulsive Noise,” Noise Control Engineering, 8 (2), 81–87, March-April 1977. 34. C. L. Dym, “Buckling of Supported Arches Under Three Pressure Distributions,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 44 (4), 764-766, December 1977. 35. T. G. Gutowski, L. E. Wittig and C. L. Dym, “Some Aspects of the Ground Vibration Problem,” Noise Control Engineering, 10 (3), 94-100, May-June 1978. 36. P. W. Smith, Jr., and C. L. Dym, “Input and Transfer Admittances of Thick Plates Driven by a Uniform Line Moment,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 60 (3), 441-447, 8 October 1978. 37. A. B. Perlman and C. L. Dym, “A Note on the Lyapunov Stability Analysis of a Linear Railway Wheelset,” Vehicle Systems Dynamics, 9 (3), 61-68, March 1980. 38. C. L. Dym, “On the Vibration of Thin Circular Rings,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 70 (4), 585-588, 22 June 1980. 39. C. L. Dym, “Stiffening of Bent Beams Due to Partial and Complete End Restraint,” International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 16 (1), 39-45, January 1981. 40. H. A. Hyman, A. Ballantyne, H. W. Friedman, D. A. Reilly, R. C. Southworth and C. L. Dym, “Intense Pulsed Plasma X-ray Sources for Lithography: Mask Damage Effects,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 21 (4), 1012-1016, November-December 1982. 41. C. L. Dym, “Analysis and Modeling in Mechanics: An Informal View,” Computers and Structures, 16 (1–4), 101-107, January 1983. 42. C. L. Dym and D. C. Lang, “Transmission Loss of Damped Asymmetric Sandwich Panels with Orthotropic Cores,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 88 (3), 299-319, 8 June 1983. 43. C. L. Dym, “Expert Systems: New Approaches to Computer-Aided Engineering,” Engineering with Computers, 1 (1), 9-25, April 1985. See also Proceedings of the 25th AIAA-ASME-ASCE-AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, pp. 99-115, May 1984. 44. S. Mittal and C. L. Dym, “Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple Experts,” AI Magazine, 6 (2), 32-36, Summer 1985. See also Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 75-81, December 1984. 45. Ballantyne, H. A. Hyman, C. L. Dym and R. Southworth, “Response of Lithographic Mask Structures to Repetitively Pulsed X-rays: Thermal Stress Analysis,” Journal of Applied Physics, 58 (12), 4714-4725, 15 December 1985. 46. C. L. Dym and A. Ballantyne, “Response of Lithographic Mask Structures to Repetitively Pulsed X-rays: Dynamic Response,” Journal of Applied Physics, 58 (12), 4726-4729, 15 December 1985. 47. S. E. Makris, C. L. Dym and J. M. Smith, “Transmission Loss Optimization in Acoustic Sandwich Panels,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 79 (6), 1833-1843, June 1986. 48. S. Mittal, C. L. Dym and M. Morjaria, “PRIDE: An Expert System for the Design of Paper Handling Systems,” Computer, 19 (7), 102-114, July 1986. See also C. L. Dym (Editor), Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems to Engineering Analysis and Design, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 99-115, November 1985. 49. J. R. Dixon and C. L. Dym, “Artificial Intelligence and Geometric Reasoning in Manufacturing Technology,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, 39 (9), 1325-1330, September 1986. 50. C. L. Dym, “Issues in the Design and Implementation of Expert Systems,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 1 (1), 37-46, December 1987. 51. C. L. Dym, R. P. Henchey, E. A. Delis and S. Gonick, “A Knowledge-Based System for Automated Architectural Code-Checking,” Computer-Aided Design, 20 (3), 137-145, April 1988. 52. S. E. Makris, J. M. Smith and C. L. Dym, Engineering Optimization, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Acoustic Sandwich Panels,” 13 (4), 147-172, May 1988. 53. S. E. Salata and C. L. Dym, “Representing Strategic Choices in Structural Modeling,” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 5 (4), 354-373, October 1991. 54. C. L. Dym and R. E. Levitt, “Toward the Integration of Knowledge for Engineering Modeling and Computation,” Engineering with Computers, 7 (4), 209-224, Fall 1991. 55. R. E. Levitt, Y. Jin and C. L. Dym, “Knowledge-Based Support for Management of Concurrent, Multidisciplinary Design,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 5 (2), 77-95, 1991. 56. C. L. Dym, “Representation and Problem Solving: The Foundations of Engineering Design,” Planning and Design: Environment and Planning B, 19, 97-105, 1992. 57. C. L. Dym, “The Role of Symbolic Representation in Engineering Design Education,” IEEE Transactions on Education, 36 (1), 187-193, February 1993. 58. C. L. Dym, S. R. H. Hoole and D. Kurumbalapitiya, “Defining and Representing Knowledge in Electromagnetic Field Computation,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 29 (2), 1935-1938, March 1993. 59. C. L. Dym, “Representing Designed Objects: The Languages of Engineering Design,” Archives for Computational Methods in Engineering, 1 (1), 75-108, 1994. 60. C. L. Dym, “Teaching Design to Freshmen: Style and Content,” Journal of Engineering Education, 83 (4), 303-310, October 1994. 61. C. L. Dym and R. E. Levitt, “On the Evolution of CAE Research,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 8 (4), 275-282, Fall 1994. 62. C. L. Dym, M. D. Summers, C. T. Demel and C. S. Wong, “DEEP: A Knowledge-Based (Expert) System for Electrical Plat Design,” Computing Systems in Engineering, 6 (6), 497-509, 1995. 63. P. D. Cha and C. L. Dym, “Identifying Nodes and Anti-Nodes of an Axially Vibrating Bar with Lumped Mass,” Journal of Sound and Vibration,” 203 (3), 533–535, 12 June 1997. 64. C. L. Dym, “Design and Design Centers in Engineering Education,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 12 (1), 43–46, January 1998. 65. P. D. Cha, C. L. Dym and W. C. Wong, “Identifying Nodes and Anti-Nodes of Complex Structures with Virtual Elements,” Journal of Sound and Vibration,” 211 (1), 249-264, 3 March 1998. 66. S. D. Sheppard, R. Jenison, C. L. Dym, et al., “Examples of Freshman Design Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 13 (4), 248–261, 1997. 67. C. L. Dym, “Learning Engineering: Design, Languages, and Experiences,” Journal of Engineering Education, 88 (2), 145-148, April 1999. 68. D. M. Mikes, B. A. Cha, C. L. Dym, J. Baumgaertner, A. G. Hartzog, A. D. Tacey and M. R. Calabria, “Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Revisited,” Lymphology, 32 (4), 157-165, December 1999. 69. C. L. Dym and P. Brey, “Languages of Engineering Design: Empirical Constructs for Representing Objects and Articulating Processes,” Research in Philosophy and Technology, 20, 119-148, 2000. 70. C. L. Dym, S. D. Sheppard and J. W. Wesner, “A Report on Mudd Design Workshop II: Designing Design Education for the 21st Century,” Journal of Engineering Education, 90 (3), 291-294, July 2001. 71. C. L. Dym, W. H. Wood and M. J. Scott, “Rank Ordering Engineering Designs: Pairwise Comparison Charts and Borda Counts,” Research in Engineering Design, 13, 236–242, 2002. 72. C. L. Dym, J. W. Wesner and L. Winner, “A Report on Mudd Design Workshop III: Social Dimensions of Engineering Design,” Journal of Engineering Education, 92 (1), 105–107, January 2003. 73. C. L. Dym, “Social Dimensions of Engineering Design . . . An Engineer’s Perspective,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 19 (1), 3–5, 2003. 74. C. L. Dym and H. E. Williams, “On the Analysis of Small Displacements of Truss Joints,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 31 (2), 132–140, 2003. 75. C. L. Dym, “Design, Systems, and Engineering Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 20 (3), 305–312, 2004. 76. C. L. Dym, J. S. Rossmann and S. D. Sheppard, “On Designing Engineering Education: Lessons Learned at Mudd Design Workshop IV,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 20 (3), 470–474, 2004. 77. C. L. Dym, A. M. Agogino, O. Eris, D. D. Frey and L. J. Leifer, “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching and Learning,” Journal of Engineering Education, 94 (1), 103–120, January 2005. 78. H. E. Williams and C. L. Dym, “Using Rotations to Obtain Compatibility Equations for Statically Indeterminate Trusses,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 131 (2), 353–358, February 2005. 79. W. H. Wood, H. Dong and C. L. Dym, “Integrating Functional Synthesis,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 19 (3), 183–200, Summer 2005. 80. C. L. Dym, “Engineering Design: So Much to Learn,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 22 (3), 422–428, 2006. 81. D. D. Frey and C. L. Dym, “Validation of Design Methods and Theories: Lessons from Medicine,” Research in Engineering Design, 17, 45–57, 2006. 82. C. L. Dym and H. E. Williams, “Exploring Physical Intuition in Elementary Pressure Vessels,” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 35 (2), 108–113, April 2007. 83. C. L. Dym and H. E. Williams, “Estimating Fundamental Frequencies of Tall Buildings,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 133 (10), 1479–1483, October 2007. 84. C. L. Dym, “Educating Engineers for a Flat World,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (2), 214–220, March 2008. 85. J. W. Wesner and C. L. Dym, “What We Have Learned at Mudd Design Workshop VI: ‘Design and Engineering Education in a Flat World’,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 24 (2), 443–448, March 2008. 86. C. L. Dym, “Consistent Derivations of Spring Rates for Helical Springs,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 131 (7), 071004-1–5, July 2009. 87. C. L. Dym, “Sustainability: Affirming Engineering Values,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 26 (2), 240–246, February 2010. 88. J. W. Wesner and C. L. Dym, “What We Have Learned at Mudd Design Workshop VII: ‘Sustaining Sustainable Design’,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 26 (1), 499–504, April 2010. 89. C. L. Dym, “Extending Castigliano’s Second Theorem to Model the Behavior of Coupled Systems,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 77 (6), 061005-1–6, November 2010. 90. C. L. Dym and H. E. Williams, “Stress and Displacement Estimates for Arches,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 137 (1), 49–58, January 2011. 91. C. L. Dym, “End-Loaded Shallow Curved Beams,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 137 (7), 782–784, July 2011. 92. C. L. Dym, “Engineering Design @ HMC: A Testament to Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 28 (2), xxx-xyz, February 2012. 93. A. Altman, C. L. Dym, R. Hurwitz and J. W. Wesner, “The Key Ideas of MDW VIII: A Summary,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 28 (2), xxx-xyz, February 2012. |