4/11/2016 Darren J. Hartl, Edgar Galvan, Richard J. Malak and Jeffrey W. Baur
J. Mech. Des 138(3), 031402; doi: 10.1115/1.4032268
This work is the first demonstration of the use of a parameterized approach to design optimization on a complex engineering problem. Parameterized optimization solves a family of optimization problems as a function of exogenous parameters. When applied to a subsystem of interest, it results in general knowledge about the capabilities of the subsystem rather than a restrictive point solution. The motivation is that it often is necessary to advance the development of a subsystem independent of system-level specifics. This is true during initial research and development efforts or in sensitive military and competitive industrial design environments in which compartmentalization of information is common and necessary. It also is important in systems development projects when the need for concurrency often requires subsystem designers to make progress in the absence of full information about other interfacing subsystems. We solve this specialized design problem using the predictive parameterized Pareto genetic algorithm (P3GA). The approach is demonstrated for the multifunctional design of a structurally-integrated liquid metal circuit intended to provide integrated cooling functionality. A family of optimal design solutions associated with values of external parameters (bounded real numbers) is computed efficiently using P3GA. The demonstration employs both high- and low-fidelity multi-physical engineering models seamlessly and results in general knowledge about the subsystem as a function of parameters associated with other interfacing subsystems.

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